Ethan Ward is a dedicated student & Authorized Level II teacher of the Ashtanga Yoga method. Having started the journey of this practice at an early age, he developed a deeper awareness of his spiritual path and made the commitment to walking it. Daily practice has brought together Ethan’s lifetime of inquiry into optimizing the function of the human body & mind. He now continues this sadhana each year, as one of hundreds of dedicated practitioners who travel from every corner of the globe to learn Yoga from Sharath Jois in Mysore, India. He has had the great honor of assisting his teacher in the shala on an annual basis.

Ethan is the owner of Mysore Dubai – Ashtanga Yoga shala along with his partner Charmelle. He is scheduled to teach Ashtanga by the traditional method across Asia in 2020.

Heartbreak Kids Season 2
Heartbreak Kids Season 2
Ethan Ward

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